Our Monthly Tips & Trips: November 2022

Our Monthly Tips & Trips: November 2022

This post was supposed to be easy to write – and written last week. But here we are. I find myself practicing more and more moments of grace in regard to myself this month. It is surprisingly hard. I have such expectations for myself and desire badly to live an intentional, full life. So when I make mistakes or need to slow down, I get hard on myself. Grace & Gratitude were my themes for the month, and they were much needed.

To be honest, grace and gratitude became prescient given what happened in life outside my control. I work at the University of Virginia and, as you likely heard in the national news, it was an awful month on Grounds. Grace for myself and others became so important as we processed events. Gratitude took the front row in the seat next to sadness, and it all made me hug harder and laugh louder.

November also had a lot of wonderful moments in it – moments that really allowed me to wallow in gratitude for the beauty of the people in my life and the place I live. Nothing is ever perfect, but there are so many gems in my life.

Here is what else we were up to this month…

(And PST, it was my birthday month!)

Family Travel Blogger and Writer

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Our Monthly Trips

Biscayne National Park

In early November, we went down to Florida on a cheap yet easy Spirit Airlines flight to explore Biscayne National Park. After two nights in Coconut Grove (an area of Miami), we drove down the Florida Keys to Islamorada.

I can’t wait to share more about our visit to this National Park and what tips we have for you. Biscayne National Park is underwater, so it’s one of the trickier parks to visit. And we also will have some thoughts you’ll want on Islamorada and the Keys. So stay tuned…

Florida Keys

At the end of November we hit the road to visit family, making a trip to North Carolina. It was quick, but it was so lovely to be with loved ones. Most days I can’t believe that in recent history we were all locked in our homes, isolated and separate. The hugging and the laughter were welcome this Thanksgiving.

The Best Things I Bought

The best things I bought this month were a new journal that is so well-crafted the pen flies over it and the binding lays open; paperwhites (I love the greenery and eventual color, all the cheer, they bring inside during the winter); and my 2023 PowerSheets.

Where Else I Appeared

I had the honor of interviewing and writing an article about Allie Redshaw and the paraclimbing community. Read my article in Blue Ridge Outdoors here.

My PowerSheets

November 2022 Powersheets

November was really an invitation and opportunity for me to reassess. I wanted to keep my days simple yet intentional, filled as much as possible with the activities I truly love. I wanted to walk through my days with gratitude, conscious of the season and all that I have been given. November felt beautiful.

I gave myself grace for not finishing one of my monthly goals and gratitude that I was able to tackle The Pile (you all have one and know what it is: it is the pile of junk that accumulates over the year that is either giveaway, throw out, or sell).

Remember, if you are interested in PowerSheets, you can get them, or even modified versions, here.

Celebrating Well

Of course, closing the door on Thanksgiving always means opening the door for the next Big Holiday, the Holiday of All Holidays, Christmas.

This year, as my kids get older, I find myself clinging ever more tightly to the magic and traditions. I want to capture the wonder and joy for as long as I possibly can. I want to celebrate well.

Thinking of the New Year (already!)

It seems so hard to believe that the new year will be here before we know it. I am already starting to prepare myself for one of my favorite times during the year: the days between Christmas and New Year’s. When things are quiet yet the house so well-loved, it is such a great opportunity to cocoon and tend to the heartspace. I look forward to it.

I am not sure what goals 2023 is asking you to create, or if you even know yet. 

But as you think through ways to tend to your life and set a new year up for fun, here are some posts I recommend. (I will likely share again, but given how I tend to be later than intended with Monthly Tips & Trips, dropping them here is probably good idea, too!)

I hope that the winter and the peace the season can bring – if we allow ourselves grace – is treating you well, friends.

We’ll be sharing more here, always with gratitude for you, and also with grace for everyone, ourselves included …

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