How to Set a Word for the Year

How to Set a Word for the Year

For a while now, setting a word for the year has been a popular exercise. The idea: by setting a word for a year we can live with intention, turned towards that word all 365 days, and thereby live fuller days in our hearts.

Instead of working on fifty resolutions that may end up buried in good intentions and never realized, having one word can simplify the process. Our actions, changes and habits throughout the year become more of an inside-out, sustainable change. We center our sights and our actions around that one word – and that drives us to the life we want to lead in all ways. We make better decisions in every moment by keeping our word, our “biggest picture” goal, in mind.

Of course, setting a word for the year only works if you believe that words have power.

I believe (of course, as a former freelance journalist and writer) the power of words is quite amazing. Consider what spiritual leaders (of all walks) have been saying for centuries:

From Paul, the apostle-

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

The tongue has no bones, but it is strong enough to break a heart. So be careful with your words.

I imagine this rings true for you.

We have all had words that have hurt us, words we still remember and carry as scars. We also have had moments where we wish we could take back words we have said. 

Words can hurt.
Yet words can also lift.

For example, science has proven that upon hearing compliments, our brains light up in ways that cause really good physical sensations in our bodies. We also know that if we choose our words carefully and speak with love, we feel better about ourselves, too.

Why not apply this power of positivity to the way we live daily?

By picking one word for the year for ourselves, we offer ourselves the chance to lean into our compliments, power and the science of lighting up in the right way.

Tips for Picking a Word of the Year:

It’s helpful to start by reflecting on the words we are already using. Fortunately, this website is an easy place for me to take a hard look at what words I send out to the world (I don’t post on Facebook or Twitter, but if I did, I might start there). What words did I feel were important to communicate with my fellow humans — so much so that I sat down, composed them, and hit publish?

Word Cloud and Setting Goals
created using

Taking time to really look at what words we already say and type can be eye-opening, and also turn our minds and our hearts to what words we actually wished we had shared. Are there more negative words, words we don’t like, words we wish we didn’t use, coming out of us than we realized?

Another good step to choosing a word for the year is to consider how you want to live your life: what needs to change, what needs more intention and tending?  (If you would like more guidance on this process, I highly recommend using PowerSheets – I am an affiliate because I believe in their life-changing ability.) Writing down all of your goals and thoughts, free-form, on a piece of paper, can help identify some themes.

Words and goals can simply be what you want to focus on, not necessarily action items or a big to-do list. (Think less “get organized” and more “respect what I own.” Think less “work out” and more “honor my body.”)

After threads appear and you notice trends, tease out the actual words, and make a list.

Then, get a thesaurus! I personally love this part the most. Sometimes the word that is absolutely perfect is a beautiful variation on a word that comes up in my life a lot but doesn’t necessarily feel right.

Word of the Year
Ideas for a Word of the Year...



Choosing words with prayerful intention and meditation matters. It should matter in our every day lives as we seek to live as light to others. Yet it should also matter in the language we use with ourselves.

As we go into 2021, with 2020 and its ferociousness behind us, we have an opportunity not only to renew our lives and goals, but also to extend ourselves patience and kindness. We can give ourselves grace, and we can begin to move forward again.

Give yourself the power of positive — and mindfully chosen– words.

If you’d like to dig deeper into choosing a word of the year, both why it matters and how it can change your life, head to

This post was written in conjunction with the Compassion Bloggers Network. For my thoughts on sponsoring a child, read more here.

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