For years, I was against wearing a fitness watch of any kind. I kept saying to anyone who would listen (and there weren’t many), “I don’t need a glorified pedometer!”...
Somehow, I had committed to a mud run (Step Up For Soldiers). I am not really a runner. The first 5k I did was with my friend Sarah to get...
The Christmas before COVID, my parents gifted me a certificate to stay at Yogaville in Virginia. A large ashram located just an hour outside of Charlottesville, in Buckingham, the idea...
Every now and again, I will spend one week bringing awareness and conciousness to what I am putting in body, to what I am eating. I spend one week “clean...
When we visited Grand Cayman, one of the most distressing moments was picking plastic trash in heaps and mounds off an otherwise gorgeous deserted beach. Likewise, when we were in...
As the new year hit, I saw a lot of chatter in various groups about making yoga — whether that’s starting yoga, trying yoga, committing to yoga, or just living...
There was a different post planned for today, but, like most parents in the U.S. right now, we’ve been watching the coronavirus with a mixture of anxiety (will they close...
Please note that there may be some affiliate links included. Read more about those here. Well, 2019 is coming to a close, and it has been a wild year. I...
I am excited to get back to sharing our top family picks for you this week. AND, I am excited for the weekend! We are still running around, feeling out...
This post is a labor of love, a personal research project months (years) in the making. This was almost two posts but, really, Internet safety and screen-time balance for kids...