Updated 10/2023: Operation Gratitude is no longer consistently participating in this program, but please try Treats for Troops.I have celebrated a rebirth through the years: a rebirth as someone who...
We have an artist under our roof. Our youngest (currently age 7) loves art. He will spend hours creating, crafting, drawing and illustrating. This caused me (Mrs. Family Trip) to...
It is hard to find the new normal, lately. As a person who generally has a hard time with routine, I appreciate that my job is NOT a routine grind....
I am excited to get back to sharing our top family picks for you this week. AND, I am excited for the weekend! We are still running around, feeling out...
This post is a labor of love, a personal research project months (years) in the making. This was almost two posts but, really, Internet safety and screen-time balance for kids...
When I listed my favorite books in 2018, I looked at my children quietly reading next to me and thought. it would be fun to ask them THEIR favorite books...
It is Thanksgiving week. Naturally, in addition to how to cook the turkey and whether it is “stuffing” or “dressing,” our thoughts turn to gratitude – the giving of thanks....
Ah, summertime with the kids. We love it, but it can also require some huge adjustments. The kids are home all day, or on a modified schedule, and trying to keep...
Pool season is upon us here in the Southeast states, and it is gorgeous. But, as Boys Scouts or someone says, being prepared is next to godliness (or something). We...
When a rainy day comes and you are stuck inside, kids are stuck inside with you. Things can get tense. And while the Pinternet is full of fantastic ideas on...