We have an artist under our roof. Our youngest (currently age 7) loves art. He will spend hours creating, crafting, drawing and illustrating. This caused me (Mrs. Family Trip) to go on a quest that was multi-dimensional: I wanted books that inspire him, help him learn about famous artists and their lives, and introduce him to different kinds of art.
It is rather hard to find nonfiction books for kids about artists it seems (not sure if it is due to the wild nature of many artists’ personalities and lives?). So this list is a hodge-podge of books we have found that have captured our own personal young artist.

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My Pen by Christopher Myers
(Fiction) Black and white illustrations that are gorgeous - showing kids of all ages that freedom can be accessed through your imagination.

The Noisy Paint Box by Barb Rosenstock
(Creative Nonfiction) An artist I personally knew little about, Kandinsky, shows conviction in what he knew he was called to do and follows his heart to create art.

The Young Artist by Thomas Locker
(Fiction) A young artist is afflicted by perfection and stands in his own way. He learns it doesn't matter if his art is perfect or not.

The Painter and the Wild Swans by Claude Clement
(Fiction) A stunning classic, certainly a collectible. A story of a Japanese artist with a life mission to paint the swans.

The Art of Drawing Dragons by Michael Dobzrycki
(How To) This is more advanced drawing, but it is a great step-by-step to drawing mythical creatures. While our final drawings rarely look close to what the book's author draws, we still have fun with it.

Action Jackson by Jan Greenberg
(Creative Nonfiction) The illustrations in this book are different (not to everyone's liking), but the story and facts about Jackson Pollock's ground-breaking art are great.

In Her Hands by Alan Schroeder
(Creative Nonfiction) Sadly, there doesn't seem to be much diversity or gender equality when it comes to books on art and artists for kids. Luckily, this one tells the story of the famous sculptor Augusta Savage and can broaden the scope of your kids' awareness.

M.C. Escher The Graphic Work
(Resource) Our sons love M.C. Escher's work. And there is no rule that kids can only consumes books for kids when it comes to art. Escher's work are a feast for young minds to figure out regarding dimension, perception and scale.

Leonardo da Vinci for Kids by Janis Herbert
(How to) This book is a nice overview of da Vinci's work across art and science and includes related activities for kids to do at home. (This requires parental involvement! For a book that is more of a reference, try this one by Robert Byrd.)

Discovering Great Artists by MaryAnn Kohl
(How To) MaryAnn Kohl is the master of books with how-to's and hands-on ideas for the younger set of kids. This one is a great overview of techniques to try that emulate some of the great artists. Don't expect a lot of history or biography, but a great jumping off point for inspired creativity.

My Name is Georgia by Jeanette Winter
(Creative Nonfiction) I love this story of Georgia O'Keeffe. From the time she was a little girl, she knew she was meant to be an artist, and she purposefully structured her life around that.
Whether you build an art library for your children or use the library to enjoy these titles, allowing kids the opportunity to understand the power of art won’t be a lost cause!
And if you have any books on art for our little one to read, post it below, we’d love to hear!