Happy weekend, families! I am suffering from immense Mom-guilt this weekend as I leave my bitties and head off to Wilmington, DE and possibly the city of brotherly love to visit my, coincidentally, brother. Next weekend I will also be separated from them to finish up and graduate from my 200-hr yoga teacher training.
Given my hectic work schedule these days and their return to school, I find I physically miss them. I went from being their Number One, there for them nearly all the time, to being less physically present and in the know (‘did you wash your hands?’ ‘what was your favorite part of the day?’).
I know it’s all okay and for the right reasons, but it doesn’t change that I love being with my kids so it is hard not to be. I suppose that’s where yoga helps: learning to lean into and enjoy the moment before me.
So I am adjusting my attitude and sitting back on the train ride right now, focused on all the new memories I am about to create with my siblings, which is also important. If you have tips on what to see, where to eat, what to do in Philadelphia and/or Wilmington, Delaware, send me a note!
Our favorite Instagram of the week on FamilyTripMag:
I haven’t been posting much on our IG account lately. I believe in only sharing posts if they are interesting and exciting. No need for me to insert stuff in your feed just to remind you I exist, I believe. But since this weekend I am on the road, prepare for more!
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Our Family Friday Five Roundup this week includes:
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1- We are reading this book at night as a family, and it is a perfect family read! A little Lion, Witch & the Wardrobe vibe with modernization and fun twists. I know my kids are old enough to read on their own before bed, but the opportunity to snuggle together in a big bed and get lost in a new world is too precious to pass up. Someday, soon, they will not be interested anymore. I am holding on as long as I possibly can.
2- This simple documentary on Netflix honoring engineering. Don’t look for plot, but do look for inspirational stories for little minds.
3- This letter posted by a 26-year-old girl before her battle with cancer ended.
4- Remember this dress I was debating on purchasing? I bought one and LOVE it (did I realize it has pockets?!). On the train I feel perfectly comfy in this dress, some black Target sneakers, and my jean jacket. (By the way, I also purchased a swimsuit on Amazon I heard raves about and was hoping to share with you but, honestly, it was a disaster and is going back ASAP. Win some, lose some.)
5- I REALLY want to do this. Back in my single-girl D.C. days some friends and I did this for a couple of years and it was absolutely wonderful. I have some of my fondest memories (and greatest recipes!) from those times. The things stopping me now: 1) not knowing many folks in my new home town yet, 2) TIME. How in the world would I corral and have busy moms commit to this. Do you think it’s doable?
Articles from last year:
Follow along on IG to travel with me and I’ll be back next week with some fun new posts! I am digging into the world of “afterschooling” and can’t wait to share when I figure all that out…
I hope your weekend is full of memories and the things you love. And remember: the best trip is a family one!
Last Updated on August 23, 2019 by Mrs. Family Trip