Pool season is upon us here in the Southeast states, and it is gorgeous. But, as Boys Scouts or someone says, being prepared is next to godliness (or something). We have logged many family pool days in our lives and have a routine down. We promise you will have much more fun, parents, if you are prepared for days in the sun.
Here are our tips on how to pack the PERFECT family pool bag:
So many families we know use a Thirty-One All In Organizer and, while the selections are great, it is a little too large for our comfort level.
Start by deciding what type of fabric you prefer, a price tag, how many pockets you require, and then pick a print. Target, of course, offers fun options every season, too.
2. Sunscreen
Trying to determine which sunscreen to get is complicated. Not having sunscreen is life-threatening; having the wrong sunscreen can also cause health hazards (apparently). But the information changes every year. Here is where come out: we keep spray screens away from our children and only use on ourselves when we are solo (as Uncle Dan says, “spray sunscreen was made for single dudes”).
For our faces, we use Neutrogena or Beautycounter. For our bodies, the children always receive SPF50 (sometimes us parents will bump down to SPF30).
3. Safety Floatation
If you have a child who can not swim or is not comfortable in the water, do not fool around. Water, of course, can be fun but it can also be incredibly dangerous. Remember that you are the parent, and you win the battles that matter.
The puddle jumper revolutionized pool days for us when they came out. Not only are they safe and tested, but they hold the child properly upright, allowing them some wonderful freedom. We never had to convince our sons to use these.
4. Fun Floats
If you are looking to up your pool game, bringing a fun float or two for the kids can increase hours (or minutes) of enjoyment. But unless the pool is in your backyard, you will be inflating and deflating these each trip. So stay away from that giant unicorn float and pick something you can successfully blow up without passing out.
5. Dive Toys
Dive toys keep the kids occupied for hours once they become comfortable swimmers. Torpedos are a must, as are pool rings. But we have also had a lot of fun with lightsabers and pirate coins (we have boys).
6. Goggles
We have tried a lot of different goggles, but our favorites are the Speedo Kids’ Skoggles. They stay on well, last a long time, and form a great suction so we hear few complaints of leaking. They also come in some fun colors.
With goggles, you either invest in a good pair once or buy three cheap ones through the season.
7. Snacks
We generally opt for raisins, roasted almonds (the kids prefer salt) and grapes poolside. When in season, fresh watermelon and cantaloupe cubes are perfect on a hot summer day. Go for healthy foods that nourish them for more under-the-sun play.
8. Water It is necessary to bring fresh water to drink to the pool. Hours under the sun, playing, means that all are prone to dehydration. But we always choose to avoid plastic bottles (we are, after all, trying to be an Earth-friendly family). We have water bottles we fill at home and bring with us. Not wanting to believe the hype, we resisted for awhile, but the S’well water bottles are the best. They keep the water cool, are durable, and are free from harmful contaminants.
9. Towels Get large ones, do not spend too much on them. These get beat up. They need to be durable, of course, but it isn’t worth spending $50 on a towel that gets stepped on frequently.
10. Towel Robes
This is our top recommendation – the thing you really need but probably haven’t thought of.
We have post-pool towel ponchos handmade out of old towels, using a tutorial like this one. But they are available for purchase, too. These have been incredibly wonderful to have and something we ensure are on us, especially at the beach (post on beach gear later). Chilly little bodies can stay warm in these, especially if we need to run an errand, and are more convenient than trying to fully change or hold a wet towel around a squirming body.
11. Wet Sacks
We made our own wet sacks using a tutorial, but having a place to put the wet swimsuits after a long day in the sun (or a short one) is a big key to success. The boys put on their towel robes and shorts, and the suits go into the wet sack. You can purchase wet sacks if sewing does not bring you joy.
12. Purse/Pocket for Mom & Dad
It is necessary to have a place to store the cell phone, wallet or cash, hairbrush and keys while at the pool. Someplace waterproof and easily accessible is nice.
13. Hats When our kids were smaller, we loved a hat like this for our toddlers. It provided good coverage and SPF. Today, our children will only wear baseball hats. But we will take it.
We usually have hats for ourselves, too.
14. Bandaids Always. As a parent, just always have these around.
We would add a magazine or novel for Mom and Dad but, let’s be honest, what parent has time to read at the pool with kids?
Either way, get out there this summer, prepared, and enjoy those perfect pool days with your family.
Thanks for the tips. The pool in my neighborhood opens next week. I will be taking my grandkids so I must be prepared!
Have fun!! Our kids prefer their grandparents take them to the pool instead of us – so you are set to win big this summer. 😉